"Goldfish, I read once, have a working memory of approximately 7 seconds - so every 7 seconds, they start their lives all over again. Reminds me of the way I feel when I watch TV commercials. "
"A picture is worth a thousand words.
- Jeff Roll, Art Director
A picture is worth ten words, max.
- Dave Butler, Copywriter"
"Advertisements may be evalueted scientifically; they cannot be created scientifically."
"See the man.
He does advertising work.
He is called an "ad-man."
See his funny tight suit.
See his funny haircut.
Hear his funny stomach churn.
Churn, churn, churn.
The ad-man has a funny ulcer.
Most ad-men have funny ulcers.
But, then, some ad-men are lucky.
They do not have funny ulcers.
They have funny high blood pressure."